All India BSNL Pensioners' Welfare Association.



Com. R. L. Kapoor met the Director (Estt) today and discussed the status of 78.2% case. It is understood that only Department of Pension has conveyed their comments on the Cabinet Note. Department of Expenditure (Finance ministry) had asked for some feedback. Their report is expected within a week. No comments have so far been received from Law ministry or Department of Public Enterprises.

The time limit is over now. We appeal to the Department of Telecom to submit the Cabinet Note to Cabinet Secretariat without waiting further for the comments from these nodal ministries.



It is a matter of interest for central government pensioners, including BSNL Retirees, what the 10th State Pay Commission of Kerala has recommended for Kerala government service pensioners and teachers. Hence, some more information.

Minimum Pension: It was Rs 150 in 1985, Rs 285 in 1988,Rs 375 in 1993, and Rs 1275 in 1997.

Now the 10th SPC has recommended a minimum pension of Rs 8500 from 1-7-2014.As in central service, minimum pension shall not be less than 50% of the new revised minimum pay. [ 50% of the pay scale or the post from which retired, whichever is beneficial.] Commission feels that One Rank One Pension scheme cannot be practically implemented in Kerala.Maximum pension shall be Rs 60,000.

Family Pension: Minimum shall be Rs 8500 and maximum Rs 36000 from 1-7-2014.

Date of Effect: Revision is from 1-7-2014.

Rate of Pension: 50% of last ten months average basic pay.Demand for 50% Last Pay Drawn not accepted.

Qualifying service for full pension: 30 years reduced to 25 years.Old pensioners are also eligible. But, no arrears for the period prior to 1-7-2014.

Fixation: 80% DA is merged and then 18% of existing basic pension/family pension is given as fitment benefit.

[For the Serving employees and teachers, the fitment benefit is only 12%.]

DCRG: Ceiling is raised from Rs 7 lakhs to Rs 14 lakhs.

Commutation: It is restored after 12 years in Kerala.No change proposed.

Additional pension to senior pensioners: . Not recommended.

Medical allowance: Rs 300 per month, no change suggested as medical Insurance is under consideration of the Government.

Superannuation: Retirement age was 56 years. Recommended to raise it to 58 years.


A new SSA Unit of our Association has been formed in Hazaribagh SSA in Jharkhand Circle with Shri M K Sinha as President, Shri R P Srivastava as Dist Secretary and Shri Sushilkumar as Treasurer. CHQ welcome the new District Unit.


The West Godavari SSA unit has opened two new branches recently.

Jangareddygudem branch has elected S/s P N Prabhakara Rao, S V Ranga Rao and T D Babu Rao as President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
Bhimadole branch has elected S/s P M P Chandrsekhara Rao, S Durga Rao and Kolli Venkata Rao as President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.


The 10th Pay Commission appointed by Kerala State Government has submitted its report to the Government yesterday.
The Commission has doubled the minimum in each pay scale.
But, the net increase will be Rs 2000 – Rs 12000.
Minimum Pay recommended for a Group D is Rs 17000 and the maximum pay will be Rs. 1, 20, 000.
Fitment benefit will be 12 percent to serving staff and 18 percent to pensioners.
Date of effect will be 1st, July 2014.
Retirement age is raised from 56 years to 58 years.Many youth organizations have opposed the proposal.
Pay revision and pension revision take place in Kerala once in 5 year till now.The 10th Pay Commission has recommended next pay/pension revision only after ten yars.This proposal has invited strong opposition from staff Unions.


Com. R L Kapoor, our Legal committee member reports from New Delhi:

So far, none of the four Nodal Ministries (Finance, Pension, Law and Heavy Industries) has conveyed comments on the Draft Cabinet Note on 78.2% sent by Department of Telecom.

The prescribed time limit has exhausted.

DoT has sent reminders to all the four Nodal Ministries.


Department of Public Enterprises has issued orders on 3-7-2015 raising the rate of IDA effective from 1-7-2015 to 102.6%.
The DPE order is given in Page IDA.
We have forwarded the said order to all the Centralised Pension Processing Centres of 23 nationalised banks.


Com. R L Kapoor, our Legal Committee member reports from New Delhi:
Our Advocate has filed Rejoinders today.
The pleadings recorded as completed.
Next Date is 31st July 2015.


New Delhi: 3rd July 2015:

A parliamentary committee headed by firebrand BJP MP Yogi Adityanath has recommended 100 percent hike in the salary of parliamentarians, a newspaper report said on Thursday.
Besides proposing a 100 percent hike in salary, the panel has also recommended increasing the pension of elected representatives from Rs 20,000 to Rs 50,000.
The Yogi Adityanath-led panel has suggested to bring in a pay revision mechanism on the lines of pay commission, which is at present only meant for government employees.
As per the report, at least 60 recommendations have been put forward by the Adityanath-led panel.The panel has also advocated for raising the daily allowance of Rs 2,000 for MPs, which they get during Parliament sittings. Besides proposing 20-25 free air travels in a year, the panel has also said that an additional free AC first class ticket should be provided for their companion, such as their personal secretary. As per the report, the panel has also recommended extending the health benefits given to the MPs to their children and grandchildren as well.

The last revision of salaries of MPs took place in 2010.

The Parliamentary Affairs Ministry has rejected some of the proposals.

But, the proposals to double the salary and increase the pension are not rejected.

[Zee News]

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Today, the Kerala High Court has dismissed the appeal petition filed by Department of Telecom against the CAT (Ernakulam) verdict on counting of extra increment for fixation of pension. Judgement is awaited within a week. Details will be given then. Adv. Sreeraj appeared for the four BSNL Retirees and Kerala circle Unit of AIBSNLPWA who had filed the case in CAT.


The Pensioners in Greece are in the street, protesting the cuts on pensions and austerity measures imposed on the people by the Government.


Athens, July 1st 2015

Protest of Pensioners’ Federation for the Payment of Pensions

The Pensioners’ Federation organized a protest at the Ministry of Finance and to the Bank of Greece to demand the immediate payment of the total amount of their pensions.

In his statement outside the Ministry, the President of the Federation of Pensioners and Member of the Executive Secretariat of PAME, cde Dimos Koubouris said:

“We demand the immediate payment of our pensions. Our pensions are our money and not of the banks. The pensions are not capital, to have Capital Control. The pensions are money we need for our medicines, for our families”

The Ministry of Finance and the Banks Union have imposed Capital Control to all withdrawals and especially for pensioners, whose pensions have frozen, and are only allowed the withdrawal of an extremely small sum.

The Pensioners’ Federation demanded the immediate payment of all pensions, in their whole amount.


You can retain your mobile number while changing cities with the national mobile number portability (MNP) becoming a reality. The much-awaited proposal will enable you to keep your existing phone number while shifting cities— say from Delhi to Mumbai or Chennai to Kolkata. Operators have already started rolling out full MNP plans and these include Airtel, Vodafone, Idea Cellular, R-Com and state-run BSNL and MTNL.

Currently, you have to pay roaming charges if you use your number outside your home city, except for BSNL. Also, you will be billed on STD rates for the calls. A full MNP will help you do away with these charges as your new city becomes your home base without any change in the phone number.

India, which currently has 22 circles or telecom zones, had allowed intra-circle number portability till now which meant that you could retain your number even if you shifted your mobile operator within the same city. Now this is allowed on a pan-India basis.


Central DA is granted once in six months, based on the average Index for the preceding 12 months.CDA from July 2015 will be determined calculating the average Index for the 12 months from July 2014 to June 2015. Index for June 2015 will be officially announced on 31st July 2015 only.
Eleven months Index is available. Based on that, it can be presumed that CDA will increase by a minimum of 6% from July 2015: From 113% to 119%. Increase of 1 point or 2 points in the Index for June will not change the position.
Same Index is taken for CDA and IDA. But, average is taken for 12 months and 3 months respectively. That is reflected in the rate of CDA and IDA.


The Labour Bureau of India has released the All India Consumer Price Index for May 2015.

It is 258 points. (March: 254 points&April: 256 points)

With the above, the IDA from July 2015 can be assessed as 102.6%

IDA from January 2015: 100.5%

Increase: 2.1%

DA rate from July 2015: 102.6%



It is like the 3000 years old story told by AESOP which said that "Then, slowly, and with hardly a whisper of sound... out of the huge cleft in the mountain peak there slowly emerged... a tiny little mouse."

"As ex-servicemen steadfastly press for the implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP), top Ministry of Defence (MoD) sources have said that the main reason behind the delay is not funds, but the minuscule increase that jawans may get if OROP is implemented in its present form. Sources said that the concern within the government is that the jawans may get an increase of just about “few hundred” rupees per month — a raise that may not justify the decade long OROP agitation." ...Media report



Shri. P. Raman, aged 94 is the senior most member of our Association in the Ernakulam SSA ,residing at Kumily- a hill station in the revenue District of Idukki. Shri. Raman became a family pensioner, on the sad demise of his unmarried son T. R. Mohanan Telecom Mechanic, Kumily on 30th March 2008.Our Circle Association took up the case of sanction of Family pension to Shri. Raman, with the CCA .An amount of more than Rupees four lakhs was sanctioned to him as pensionary benefits which was a surprise to the family folks and the rustic men alike . On 17th December 2014, the Pensioners' Day, the Ernakulam District Association had honoured our members above 80 years of age . But Shri. Raman could not travel such a long distance of about 200 Kms from Kumily to Ernakulam. Hence a team of more than 15 of our Association headed by Circle Secretary R.N.Pada Nair and Thodupuzha Branch secretary P.P.Velayudhan, including E. Madaswamy and Lalu from Kumily visited Shri. Raman's house. His three daughters and their family members, neighbours and well wishers gave a warm welcome to the visitors . Circle Secretary R. N. Padanair addressed the gathering and felicitated Shri. Raman. A memento arranged by the District Association was also presented to him. It was really a pleasant occasion and a previllege to the Association to felicitate the 94 year old veteran .


We have received a Write up from a friend in LIC about the new Pensions Scheme introduced for the senior citizens.

It is given below for the information of our viewers interested in the matter:

Varishta Pension Bima Yojana is an attractive pension scheme announced by the Govt.of India
for the welfare of the senior citizens of the country with LIC as the exclusive administrator.

One time Premium (Purchase price) &Immediate Annuity payable Yearly/Half yearly/Quarterly/Monthly.
2.Annuity starts as early as from the next month if the mode of annuity is monthly. Annuity amount is guaranteed throughout the life time.
3..Return of the purchase price (Amount invested) to the nominee/legal heirs on death of the pensioner.3.Pension payable by NEFT/ECS to pensioner’s bank account directly.
4.Eligibility : 60 years & above (No upper limit)
5.Surrender allowed in exceptional circumstances like critical illness treatment. Surrender value will be 98% (within 15 years).After 15 years no surrender charges.
6.Loan facility available after 3 years. Maximum loan available 75% of the amount.
7.Minimum Single Premium starts from 66,665 and maximum Premium allowed is Rs 6,66,665.(Per family).Premium can be paid in multiples of Re1/-.
Annuity payable under different modes for a single premium for Rs 1 lac is
:Monthly :Rs 750
Quarterly: Rs 2267
Half yearly:Rs 4585
Yearly: 9380
For more details,Please contact :Sreekumar.V.K,Dy.Manager,LICDirect,Divisionaloffice,M.G.Road,Ernakulam.Phone : 0484 2374023 / 9497406532 / 98950 43632Email


ALL INDIA ROAMING: Frequently asked Questions and Answers.

1..BSNL Free Roaming is a Permanent Offer or a Promotional Offer?

At present BSNL Roaming Free Offer (free incoming voice call facility while in national roaming) will be available as an offer for a period of one year one PAN India basis from 15.06.2015.

2.Is it applicable for Prepaid and Postpaid Mobile users too or Not.

Yes, BSNL Free Roaming will be available for all Prepaid and Postpaid customers.

3.Whether Free Roaming is applicable across India or in for some areas only.

It is applicable across all over India including Mumbai & Delhi (Service areas of MTNL).

4.What are the Outgoing Voice Call charges in Roaming? Can BSNL home area plans applicable or not?

In Roaming all outgoing call charges are charged at Rs.0.8 / Minute for local calls and Rs.1.15 / Minute for STD calls (No Change in Roaming Tariff).

5.Whether all STVs (Voice / SMS / Data / ISD) can work in Free Roaming across India.

No, Special Tariff Vouchers (STVs) will not work in Roaming areas except BSNL Data STVs / SMS STVs.

6.What are the BSNL Data Charges during Free Roaming across India?

The data charges are same for both Home area and for Roaming areas too, All BSNL Data STVs are also allowed in Free Roaming.

7.Will Mobile Users can recharge with any Special Tariff Voucher / Plan to avail Free Roaming? If yes how much?

No, Mobile Customers do not recharge with any BSNL Roam Free STV, it available as default feature. Free incoming voice calls while in national roaming will be implemented by creating Prepaid STV / Postpaid Add-on of Rs. 101 (+/-3) under BSNL mobile services. STVs/Add-on plans will be automatically added to all the BSNL mobile customers account notionally at Free of cost (without any additional charge) initially for a period of one year as a goodwill gesture.

8.Is there any Roaming charges for a customer, who receives ISD call in Roaming.

No Charges for a customer who receives ISD Call in Roaming.

9.Whether existing Roaming Free STVs / Plans are still in alive after 15.06.2015.

The existing BSNL Roaming Packs STV5, STV69, STV33 & STV90 under prepaid mobile services and Add-on plan with FMC of Rs. 61 under postpaid mobile services, which allows the BSNL Mobile customers to get the all incoming calls as FREE of charge to talk to their beloved ones while on travel in BSNL / MTNL network areas

across India are withdrawn from 15.06.2015.

10.If a customer already recharged with Roaming STV having certain validity, and after discontinuing roaming STVs from 15.06.2015, he is eligible for Free Roaming or Not.

Yes, he is eligible for Free Roaming.

11.After One Year, Can Subscribers will recharge with any Roaming STVs.

At present BSNL Offers Free Roaming for all Mobile Users for One Year, after that, this may be extended / discontinued according with Govt Decisions.

In 2002 when BSNL entered into mobile services, BSNL started free incoming calls for the first time within License Service Area (State). Prior to that, the customers had to pay for incoming calls also, at the rate as high as Rs.16/- per minute. Today the tariff in Indian Telecom Industry in India is the lowest in the world, This credit also goes to BSNL because before entry of BSNL in mobile telephony, the call rates charged by private operators were as high as Rs.24/- per minute. Now, it’s the time again to create a new history by offering Free Incoming Calls, while in National Roamingfor all BSNL Mobile Users with effect from 15.06.2015, and also the operator BSNL may also sending the SMS conveying the BSNL Free Roaming facility to their customers, and the customers can check the above Queries & Clarifications abut BSNL Free National Roaming.


When the Mobile service was introduced in India when Pandit Sukh Ram was the Minister, only private operators were allowed to give this service saying that ‘Mobile is value added service.”.Department of Telecom or MTNL was not allowed to give mobile service.The private companied looted the customers.They charged Rs 16 per minute from the calling subscriber and Rs 16 per minute from the receiving subscriber both.Total Rs 32 per minute!!! Within 2-3 years, the private companies earned profit much more than their investment.Then, in 2002, BSNL was allowed to give the service, after the market was captured by private companies.When the BSNL entered the field, a competition started.Call chares were reduced, Incoming calls were made absolutely free. Customers were benefitted.


Finalisation of 7th Pay Commission Report is under Process – 7th CPC says it has completed interactions with all stake holders and finalisation of pay commission report is underway

7th Pay Commission has informed in its official website to the effect that it has completed all discussions with Organisations, Federations, and Groups which represent Central Government Employees and Defence Services. 7CPC has further reported that it is in the process of finalisation of 7th Pay Commission report.So, any future requests made by any organisation for interaction with 7th Pay Commission will not be allowed.