HOW MANY, HOW MUCH? HOW MANY, HOW MUCH?.....................................
Pensioners Associations have been demanding restoration of medical allowance without voucher at least for the pensioners. After lot of persuasion, the BSNL Corporate office asked the Circles to intimate how many pensioners are availing the BSNL MRS and how much was spent on outdoor treatment and how much is anticipated as expenditure for outdoor treatment for the next three years etc. etc.
The Circles simply ignored the Circular from Corporate Office, as usual. Only Corporate Office, Mumbai Telephone Factory, WTR, STR and QA Circles have so far replied to the query from the Corporate Office. They represent just 5-10 percent of pensioners. Now, on 23-4-2015, the Corporate Office has sent a reminder to all Circles to supply the DATA. BSNL Circles will not act upon the Circular or reminders and reminders.
BSNL Corporate Office must have some DATA through the ERP. Corporate Office should take a policy decision in the matter with that DATA.
How bad is the damage?
More than 1,000 people were killed in four countries and the toll is likely to rise substantially in the coming days. The magnitude-7.8 quake was the worst to hit Nepal in eight decades and caused damage and fatalities in neighbouring countries as well. In addition to at least 1,130 people killed in Nepal, at least 36 were killed in India, 12 in Tibet and two in Bangladesh. Two Chinese citizens died at the Nepal-China border.
After six and a half years, the Department of Pension has issued a clarification that fraction, if any, in the additional pension being granted to senior pensioners above 80 years of age, can be rounded off to the next higher rupee.
According to UNI, Shri Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister answering a supplementary question in the Parliament said that the Report of 7th Central Pay Commission is expected this year itself. It means Financial year ending on 31-3-2016.
On 26th March 2015, BSNL Corporate Office sent a circular to all Circles to supply some data regarding the Pension anomaly of those BSNL staff retired before completing 10 months in the company. Circles were asked to supply the data within ten days.
ONLY THREE CIRCLES HAVE SUPPLIED THE DATA ! OTHERS DID NOT CARE!! Now, on 17-4-2015 the Corporate Office has sent a reminder asking all circles to treat the matter as most urgent. The case is coming up before CAT, New Delhi on 21-4-2015.
BSNL Corporate Office has issued fresh instruction to revew provisional pension cases and Gratuity cases and settle them.
BSNL Corporate Office has reiterated orders for timely settlement of Pension Cases.
Department of Pension has requested all Pensioners' Organisations to co-operate with it in popularising theJEEVAN PRAMAAN introduced recently.
JEEVAN PRAMAAN helps all pensioners submit the Life Certificate in November every year, on line, without personally appearing before the concerned officer in their Pension Paying Bank.
For that, The Pensioner should have an Aadhaar Card. It should be linked with the Bank Account.
In November, The Life Certificate can be sent to Bank from your Computer or Mobile Phone.
The letter from Department of Pension to Pensioners' Organizations is attached herewith.