On 7-11-2015, the Government issued the notification regarding implementation of ‘One Rank One Pension’ in respect of Defence Forces personnel. It was done before Diwali, as promised by the Defence Minister when the veterans declared that they would return the awards and medals if not done before Diwali.
The ExServicemen achieved a demand after prolonged fight of 45 years....
The issue of One Rank One Pension was a long standing demand. Defence Forces had been demanding it for almost four decades but the issue could not be resolved. However, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had made a commitment to implement it for the welfare of the ex-servicemen. Accordingly the Government had announced modalities for implementation of OROP on 05.09.2015. The Government Order by Ministry of Defence, which could not be issued due to model code of conduct, has been issued today.
Salient features of the OROP as stated in the Order are as follows:
I. To begin with, pension of the past pensioners would be re-fixed on the basis of pension of retirees of calendar year 2013 and the benefit will be effective with effect from 1.7.2014.
II. Pension will be re-fixed for all pensioners on the basis of the average of minimum and maximum pension of personnel retiring in 2013 in the same rank and with the same length of service.
III. Pension for those drawing above the average shall be protected.
IV. Arrears will be paid in four equal half yearly instalments. However, all the family pensioners, including those in receipt of Special/Liberalized family pensioners, and Gallantry award winners shall be paid arrears in one instalment.
V. In future, the pension would be re-fixed every 5 years.
4. Personnel who opt to get discharged henceforth on their own request under Rule 13(3)1(i)(b),13(3)1(iv) or Rule 16B of the Army Rule 1954 or equivalent Navy or Air Force Rules will not be entitled to the benefits of OROP. It will be effective prospectively.
5. The Govt. has decided to appoint a Judicial Committee to look into anomalies, if any, arising out of implementation of OROP. The Judicial Committee will submit its report in six months.
6. Detailed instructions along with tables indicating revised pension for each rank and each category, shall be issued separately for updation of pension and payment of arrears directly by Pension Disbursing Agencies.
The previous Government had made a budget announcement to implement the OROP and made a provision of Rs 500 Crore. The present Government undertook the task earnestly and realized that the actual additional annual expenditure would be eight to ten thousand crore at present and will increase further in future. Notwithstanding the financial constraints, true to its commitment the present Government has issued the Government order to implement the OROP in true spirit.
BSNL Corporate Office has issued new instructions on
1. Limit on indoor treatment expenses
2. Do not delay the settlement
3. Apply the new rates precribed by CGHS
[These orders are available in the page: BSNLMRS]
Maharashtra circle conference was held at Nagpur on 5-11-2015.
Com. G Natarajan (GS) and Com. S Gunasekar (Treasurer) participated representing CHQ and narrated the status of various issues.
Conference elected Shri Ratnashekhar Mitary as Circle President and
Com. M J Pillay as the Circle Secretary.
- I am in Karnataka for the last few days. Com. DG, our Vice President also came over here.
- [GS Com. Natarajan and Treasurer Com. Gunasekaran are in Nagpur for Maharastra Circle conference.]
- Myself and Com. Gopalakrishnan discussed with Com. G Babu, Com. Gangdhara Rao, and Com. Changappa, President, Vice President and GS of the Reception Committee, about arrangements made by RC for holding our next AIC on 21st and 22nd instant.
- It is understood that they have booked good Halls to hold the meeting and to accommodate the delegates. Vibrant activities are visible here in Bangalore. Bangalore comrades are enthusiastically waiting for the delegates from all parts of the country. But, many of the SSA units or Circle units have not given clear information about arrival and departure of their delegates. Reception Committee can receive them properly only if details of the arrival are intimated to them.
Anyway, next AIC is going to be a milestone in the history of our mighty organisation, AIBSNLPWA.
...................................P S Ramankutty at Bangalore
A very successful meeting of the newly formed Belagavi branch of AIBSNLPWA was held in the main Telephone Exchange hall, Belgaum on 4th November 2015, Comrades P S Ramankutty, D Gopalakrishnan and P Gangadhara Rao, representing CHQ, participated. Shri G A Majali presided over it. Com. R Changappa(Circle Secretary of Karnataka), Com. G Babu (Vice President, Karnataka), Com. Krishna Deshpande and Com. Kittur, veteran leaders also addressed the meeting. A lively discussion took place on important issues concerning BSNL pensioners. Large number of participants enrolled themselves as Life members of the Association, immediately after the meeting.
On 3-11-2015, a meeting of BSNL-DoT pensioners of Hubli-Dharwad district was held in the GM Office Conference hall, Hubli under the presidentship of Shri Angadi. Comrades P S Ramankutty, D Gopalakrishnan, P Gangadhara Rao, G Babu and R Changappa attended the meeting and spoke on various issues concerning BSNL pensioners in particular and the pensioners society in general. Com. Krishna Deshpande explained various aspects of 78.2% Case. Veteran leader Com. KIttur also spoke. After the debate, the meeting decided unanimously to form a branch of AIBSNLPWA in the SSA. Shri C S Sivananda was elected President, Shri G G Bharbhari (Retd DGM) as the District Secretary and Shri B A Nagaraj as the Treasurer.
The moment we gave the information about Consumer Price Index for September 2015, some comrades started asking about probable increase in IDA from January 2016. Repeatedly we have stated that without knowing Index for three months, to be released by Labour Bureau officially, we cannot calculate the rate of IDA. Similarly, we must get the Index for 12 months to calculate the CDA.
The prices of many essential commodities are soaring. Government machinery has failed to arrest it.Naturally there may be some increase in the Index for October and November. Only on the last working day of December 2015 we can ascertain it.
It can be presumed that IDA may increase by about 4 percent from January next. Total 9 percent in six months. (You can confirm it only on 31-12-2015). Similarly, the CDA may probably increase from 119% to 125%. An increase of 6%. (It can be confirmed only on 31-1-2016).
…. P S Ramankutty
All India Consumer Price Index (AICPI) for the month of September 2015 is released by Labour Bureau of India. It is 266 points.
The Index for August 2015 was 264 points.
It is reported from Delhi that the file on 78.2% case has been sent today to Advisor (Finance) from the office of DDG (TPF).
The 7th Pay commission is given an extension of 4 months, up to December 2015, to submit its report to the government. But, much before the said date, rumours are floated by many corners about the probable recommendations.One is about Health Insurance for Central government employees and Pensioners. It is the death knell for CGHS. A news item appeared in the internet is reproduced hereunder.
Please mind: It is only a rumour, not a confirmed information. Future of CGHS will definitely affect the BSNL pensioners as well.
"......... Health insurance would be available for central government employees and pensioners till death, the insured employees and pensioners will have to pay 50% of the premium from their salaries and pensions and the remaining 50% premium may be paid by the central government.
The CGHS is financed mainly through the Centre’s tax revenues. Though beneficiaries do contribute a share of their wages towards premium, ranging from Rs 600 to Rs 6,000 a year depending on their pay scale, this accounts for just about 5 per cent of the total expenditure. The government shells out the remaining 95 per cent. Now the Government is looking for ways to end the CGHS in its current form and to move to an insurance based health scheme to cut costs...."
The new format of Life Certificate is attached.
There is some result of our continuous efforts:
BSNL Corporate Office has issued an instruction to all Circles on 23-10-2015
that the medical claims by pensioners should be settled within one month.
On future pension revision of BSNL retirees, applying the formula to be recommended by the 7th CPC, we sent a representation to Shri Ananth Kumar, Honourable Minister for Chemicals & Fertilizers. It was promptly forwarded to Communications Minister by Shri Ananth Kumar. Communications Minister has intimated in a reply to Shri Ananth Kumar that the Department of Telecom has sent their comments on our memorandum to Pay Commission on 17th August 2015.
In a significant move that will benefit over 6.50 lakh employees and pensioners of the state government, the Punjab Cabinet on Wednesday gave its nod to implement Cashless Health Insurance scheme in lieu of the existing policy of reimbursement of the medical expenses.
A decision to this effect was taken by the Cabinet in its meeting chaired by Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal here at Punjab Bhawan this evening.
Disclosing this here today, a spokesperson of the Chief Ministers Office said that the facility of cashless treatment would be provided to Government employee/pensioners and their dependents in more than 250 empanelled public and private hospitals in Punjab, Chandigarh and NCR (Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida) adding that under this scheme all the benefits would be granted to the employee as per Service Rules (Medical Attendance Rules 1940).
The expenses on treatment if taken outside the state would be reimbursed to the employees by the insurance company within 15 days of submission of medical claim. As per the scheme, the expenditure on treatment of patient admitted in hospital and 246 kinds of “day care” procedure (in which treatment was provided in less than 24 hours) and treatment of chronic diseases in OPD would be provided to patient without spending any money.
The OPD expenses other than those related to chronic diseases would continue to be met through fixed medical allowance. The scheme would cover pre and post hospitalisation benefits up to seven days and 30 days respectively, which were not available under the prevailing rules.
Though the insurance company cover was Rs 3 lakh per family, however, the scheme would cover a family for an unlimited amount. The scheme would be made compulsory to employees and pensioners it would be optional for All India Service Officers, serving and ex-MLAs, serving and ex-Judges of Punjab and Haryana High Court.
Department of Expenditure (Finance Ministry) has issued fresh instructions on 16-10-2015 to all banks to accept the Life Certificates from pensioners at any of their branches in India and issue an acknowledgement receipt to the pensioners. [Copy of the order is available in IMPORTANT ORDERS of this Website.]