Our Dy. GS Com. Gangadhara Rao and Karnataka Circle Secretary Com. Changappa met Shri Ananthakumar, Honourable Minister for Chemicals & Fertilizers, appraised him of the present position of our case and requested his help once again for early clearance of the case by Cabinet.
Shri Ananthakumar assured that he would do needful.
Every day, through Telephone calls, Whatsapp, Emails and SMS – we are receiving enquires about further developments in the case of 78.2%.One comrade from Varanasi informed that some BSNL pensioner there even got a copy of the order issued by Government. We do understand the anxiety of BSNL pensioners. It is a very very important issue for them. But, not for the Government or the Cabinet.
We can not expect that Shri Narendra Modiji, the Prime Minister, will cancel his foreign trips and wait in Delhi office to sign the order for us. 78.2% case is not an issue of national importance for him.
One week back, Department of Telecom has sent the Cabinet Note to Cabinet Secretariat.They are expected to include this item in the agenda for Cabinet meeting within a period of two weeks. Central Cabinet is meeting every Wednesday. It met on 22-6-2016 also. 78.2% was not an item for that meeting.Even after including the item in the agenda, Cabinet may postpone discussion and decision.Cabinet may take up politically important issues first.Service matter has least priority for the Government and political leaders.
Due to our persistent efforts, the issue of 78.2% has reached Cabinet Secretariat. Thereafter it will complete normal formalities and procedures. We have to wait.There is no other way.
In the media – both print and electronic- lot of news items are appearing about the proposed decision of Government on 7th CPC report. Some reports say that the minimum pay will be increased to Rs 23400. It is also reported that the Empowered committee has recommended 30% increase of basic pay. It shows that the Media people have no idea of the issue. CPC has recommended increase of 32% of basic pay/pension and a minimum pay of Rs 18000. Now Media adds 30% of Rs 18000 (which is not given) and arrives at 23400. It is all nothing but blabbering. Actual position will be known within two weeks. Let us wait for that.
Off late, the Media talks about the fear of government about inflation if some more money is given to employees and pensioners. (They are not Vijay Mallyas.). See the extracts from a report appeared yesterday night in Electronic Media.
New Delhi, June 22: The much awaited recommendations of VII Pay Commission are expected to be implemented from July. The Empowered Committee of Secretaries has finalised the report containing the revised recommendations. According to reports, Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has tasked Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha to screen the recommendation once again before handing over the report to Finance Ministry. Sources claim that government is concerned over the populist measures suggested by Secretaries Panel, which could adversely impact the economy. Not only would the implementation of 7th CPC increase burden on state exchequer by Rs 1,00,000 crores, but also increase the disposable income of central government employees. Fearing this steep jump in inflation, Finance Ministry could scale down the recommendations of the Commission.
We are happy to inform that through the joint efforts of comrades Anupam Kaul and R.L. Kapoor, a meeting of the BSNL Pensioners was held on 21.06.2016 at Kidwani Bhawan, New Delhi and it was decided to form Delhi Headquarters Branch of our Association at New Delhi.
The following office bearers of the ad-hoc body have been elected unanimously in the meeting held on 21.06.2016, presided over by Com. R.L. Kapoor:-
President : Com. R.L. Kapoor, Ex. ADG
Vice President: Com. D.N. Dwivedi, Ex. DE
Vice President: Com. A.K. Pandey, Ex. DE
Secretary: Com. Anupam Kaul, Ex. DE
Assistant Secretary Com. Kartar Singh, Ex. SDO
Assistant Secretary: Com. G.C. Mago, Ex. ADG
Organizing Secretary: Com. H.N. Dwivedi, Ex. SDE
Organizing Secretary: Com. C.K. Bhan, Ex. AGM
Treasurer : Com. R.L Dhar, Ex. AGM
Central Head Quarters heartly welcomes the new branch and the new members in capital city of New Delhi to our Association..
Some media, close to the Finance Ministry, reports that The Empowered Committee of Secretaries, headed by Cabinet Secretary, met on last Tuesday and prepared its report. The Committees Report is with Finance Ministry and Finance Ministry is preparing the Cabinet Note on it. It is further reported that Cabinet may take a decision in first week of July.
There may be some improvement in the recommendations of Seventh CPC. Those improvements will be announced as a GIFT FROM THE PRIME MINISTER.
It is all speculations. Officers are not willing to say anything. Till something is announced officially treat such reports as rumours. They may turn out as false or true.
Excerpts from the Letter dated 14-6-2016 from Secretary, Staff Side of JCM to the Prime Minister:
" .........When the 7th CPC was set up in February, 2014, no announcement for Interim Relief or DA Merger was made by the then government, which had all along been the practice whenever the government had set-up the Pay Commissions earlier. We fully co-operated with the Commission, submitted a memorandum detailing the issues and explained the reasoning behind each demand. The 7th CPC submitted report on 19.11.2015 to the government. In our communication dated 10.12.2015 (copy enclosed), we sought improvement/amendment over the recommendations of the 7th CPC and explained our demands both in writing and orally before the Empowering Committee. Most of the meetings were monologues except perhaps the last one. What we have understood, is that, the Empowering Committee might not come forward to make any major changes. A fruitful meeting is supposed to be a dialogue where both parties at the negotiating table exchange their understanding, views and difficulties and reach a mutually acceptable position. In 1998, when the then Cabinet Secretary decided not to have such a dialogue with the Staff Side and unalterably issued the Government Notification on the 5th CPC recommendations, the then government did set up a committee of Group of Ministers. The GoM held discussions on all issues and averted the strike action. The 1998 situation establishes, without an iota of doubt, that, the Staff Side has always taken reasonable stand on all the issues and paved way for settlement.
The one and only recommendation made by the 7th CPC was to provide some relief to the past old pensioners. The Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare has unfortunately recommended to the Cabinet Secretary that, even that recommendation must be rejected on the specious plea that the requisite relevant records might not be available.
These developments have caused anguish, anxiety and anger amongst the workers. It is now more than six months that the Commission submitted its report. If the government comes forward to hold a meaningful discussion with the leaders of the NJCA, a mutually acceptable settlement can be brought about and the impending strike, slated to commence from 11.07.2016, can ultimately be avoided.
We seek your co-operation, supports and intervention in the matter
[Yesterday, large number of comrades conveyed their happiness and congratulations on hearing that the Cabinet Note has finally gone out of Sanchar Bhavan. I could not respond immediately as there was no telephone line, or electricity of wifi because of sudden storm in my area... ......................................P S Ramankutty}
After persistent persuasion and consistent efforts the Cabinet Note is gone. This Note was ready in December 2014. For about 20 months it was shuttling from one room to another; from one officer to another in Sanchar Bhavan. There was avoidable delay in DoT and DOE too. Without getting provoked, with patience we pursued the matter. Things moved because of thecollective efforts made by our CHQ leaders like Comrades Natarajan, D Gopalakrishnan, Muthiyalu and Vittoban in Chennai, Gangadhara Rao, BabuandChangappa in Bangalore, R C Malhotra, R L Kapoor and Sisodia in Delhi, Mitkary and Pillay in Nagpur etc. I can not forget the wonderful work done by late Comrade Chhiddu Singh. It is because of the timely action by our leaders at different places who conveyed their anger and anguish to the Minister through Emails, SMS etc. It is because of a vibrant organization and vigilant rank and file all over the Country. AIBSNLPWA is not an organization confined to a room and a computer.It does not depend upon any leader or any service Union.It is an independent organization with a collective leadership.
I acknowledge the work done by other organizations also.
We should be thankful to the Minister Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad who cleared the File on the same day or the next day after receiving it in his office.
We must be thankful to Shri Ananthakumar, Honourable Minister for Chemicals & Fertilizers for his effective intervention on many occasions that moved the File at different levels on different occasions.
I still remember how Coms Natarajan and Gopalakrishnan remained calm in Delhi and worked for the case when their family members were in distress due to unprecedented floods in Chennai those days. I could not go to Delhi then due to personal reasons. I sat in Trivandrum and co-ordinated the work to some extent.
I hope that the Cabinet will accord approval to the proposal without further delay. It is only a ‘service matter’ for the Government; not a political issue. Still, I feel there is no reason why it should be denied or delayed.Let us wait with hope.
Some media reports say that the Empowered Committee of Secretaries, headed by Cabinet Secretary, which was asked to study the VII CPC report and advise the Cabinet, has met on 14-6-2016. Media further reports that the Empowered Committee wanted to see more data from the Implementation Cell before taking a final view on the matter.
At the same time, the media reports give an impression that Empowered Committee is in favour of raising the minimum pay to Rs 24000 against Rs 18000 recommended by the CPC. Similarly the CPC recommended maximum pay of Rs 2,50,000 ( for Cabinet Secretary). The Empowered Committee favours raising it to Rs 2,70,000.
Will this hike benefit all?Details are not known now. It is all speculations by media.
The government has not yet taken a final decision on the report of 7th CPC submitted in November 2015.Empowered Committee which looked into the recommendations met on 14th June 2016.The outcome is not yet disclosed. Therefore, these are the field days for rumour mongers.
National Joint Action Committee of central government employees organisations has served the notice for indefinite strike from 11th July, 2016, historic day for central government employees in India.
Some of the demands in the charter pertain to pension.They are:
(a) Parity between the past and present pensioners to be brought about on the basis of the 7th CPC recommendations with the modification that basis of computation to be the pay level of the post / grade/ scale of pay from which one retired; whichever is beneficial.
(b) Pension to be 60% of the last pay drawn in the case of all eligible persons who have completed the requisite number of years of service.
(c) The family pension to be 50% of the last pay drawn.
(d) Enhance the pension and family pension by 5% after every five years
(e) Commuted value of pension to be restored after 10 years or attaining the age of 70, whichever is earlier. Gratuity calculation to be on the basis of 25 days in the month as against 30 days as per the Gratuity Act.
(f) Fixed medical allowance for those pensioners not covered by CGHS and REHS to be increased to Rs. 2000 p.m.
(g) Provide one increment on the last day in service if the concerned employee has completed six months or more from the date of grant of last increment.
14 Exclude the Central Government employees from the ambit of the National Pension Scheme (NPS) and extend the defined benefit pension scheme to all those recruited after 1.1.2004.
The Central Pension Accounting Office under Ministry of Finance has issued a new clarification on 13th June 2016 making it very clear that
1. All those pensioners who were drawing monthly pension after completion of 10 years qualifying service before 1-1-2006 are eligible for benefit in term of OM dated 6-4-2016.
2. These orders are not applicable to those absorbee pensioners who had got 100% lump-sum in lieu of their monthly pension on absorption in PSUs etc during 1973-1995. (No such people in BSNL).
3. Absorbee pensioners who are receiving full monthly pension would continue to be covered by the OM dated 1-9-2008 and 6-4-2016. (This includes BSNL retirees)
Hence it is now very clear that all the pensioners who retired with less than 33 years of qualifying but with at least 10 years service are eligible to get full normal pension, even if they were getting more than the minimum pension.
.BSNL retirees are also eligible to get it. There is no doubt in the above order from CPAO as DoT created some doubt in its OM dated 3-6-2016.
Click here to see the CPAO order dated 13-6-2016: 33-years-cpao-1.pdf
11.25 AM; 14-6-2016
Com. R L Kapoor, Legal Committee member reports
Honouring the assurance he gave to our leaders in Bangalore on 9th June 2016,
Secretary (T) cleared the File yesterday evening and sent to Member (F). From there it moved to Member (Services) today and at present it is in the Estt. branch in Directorate for further action.
The Department of Public Enterprises has constituted Third Pay Revision Committee:
Retired Justice Satish Chandra is the Chairman. Retired IAS officer Jugal Mohapatra, Economist Prof. Manoj Panda and retired NTPC Officer Shailendra Pal Singh are members. PRC has to submit report within six months and same will come to effect from 1-1-2017. Good.
We have very correctly predicted that PRC would suggest PAY REVISION only; not Pension revision. The Pay revision through PRC is only for Executives in CPSUs; not for Non –Executives.
The brains which worked against our attempt to get the benefits of seventh CPC for BSNL Pensioners should now wake up and shake up their head.They have done great damage to BSNL pensioners.
On the request from some of our friends, we are giving in the attached file, given below, some information about Digital Life Certificate registration facility.
Click here: jeevan-pramaan-page-1.jpg