All India BSNL Pensioners' Welfare Association.



As directed by Ahmedabad CWC, CHQ did some ground work regarding implementation of CAT verdict. After knowing that Conference of India mobile Congress is being held at Delhi fom 27th to 29th Oct 2023, myself and Com P Gangadhara Rao have reached New Delhi on 25th to take a chance of meeting both Secretary Telecom & MOC.


We both along with Com Anupam Kaul Dy.GS met

1. Sri Neeraj Mittal, Secretary Telecom.

2. Sri Manish Sinha, Member , Finance


3. Sri. Ajay Kumar Sahu , Member, Services .

We requested the Officers to implement the judgement of PB CAT New Delhi without preferring an appeal in High Court.

After going through the operative portion of the Judgement, Secretary Telecom, Commented " It would help you ". But the mindset of other officers has not changed.

However, they have assured to examine the judgement and take a decision.

( L to R ) S/S V Vara Prasad GS, Anupam Kaul Dy GS, P Gangadhara Rao Vice President, Ajay Kumar Sahu Member ( Services), S K Jain , Director General, Telecom.


Met Shri Ravindra Kumar Director (Pension), DOP&PW and ascertained that his office has received the certified copy of judgement from Establishment Section of DOT for their comments. He told that it is the prerogative of the administrative ministry to take a decision on implementation of CAT order. We requested him to actively involve in implementation of the same as DOP&PW is also a respondent in the petition.

After inauguration of conference of India Mobile Congress by Hon'ble PM, we tried our best to meet MOC but we could not succeed during the day. Late in the evening, we came to know that Minister will be leaving to Bhopal early in the morning of 28th.


Joint Letter to Secretary Telecom for implementation of Judgement of Hon'ble CAT Delhi on Pension Revision committee-of-bsnl-mtnl-3110.pdf


Shri Anupam Kaul DY GS , AIBSNLPWA has been unanimously co-opted as Vice-president Head quarters & NCR BHARAT PENSIONERS' SAMAJ (BPS) W.E.F 16-10-2023. Congratulations to Com Anupam Kaul.


Mangalore crossed 1000 membership , congrats to Karnataka leadership, Mangalore DS and his team, members


CEC meeting of MP Circle held on 27-10-2023 . Circle Secretary Com V S Thakur, Org. Secretary (CHQ) Com Saket Shukla addressed.


As directed by Ahmedabad CWC, CHQ did some ground work regarding implementation of CAT verdict. After knowing that Conference of India mobile Congress is being held at Delhi fom 27th to 29th Oct 2023, myself and Com P Gangadhara Rao have reached New Delhi on 25th to take a chance of meeting both Secretary Telecom & MOC.


We both along with Com Anupam Kaul Dy.GS met

1. Sri Neeraj Mittal, Secretary Telecom.

2. Sri Manish Sinha,Member, Finance and

3. Sri. Ajay Kumar Sahu , Member, Services .

We requested the Officers to implement the judgement of PB CAT New Delhi without preferring an appeal in High Court After going through the operative portion of the Judgement, Secretary Telecom, Commented " It would help you ". But the mindset of other officers has not changed. However, they have assured to examine the judgement and take a decision.

( L to R ) S/S V Vara Prasad GS, Anupam Kaul Dy GS, P Gangadhara Rao Vice President, Ajay Kumar Sahu Member ( Services), S K Jain , Director General, Telecom.


Met Shri Ravindra Kumar Director (Pension), DOP&PW and ascertained that his office has received the certified copy of judgement from Establishment Section of DOT for their comments. He told that it is the prerogative of the administrative ministry to take a decision on implementation of CAT order. We requested him to actively involve in implementation of the same as DOP&PW is also a respondent in the petition.

After inauguration of conference of India Mobile Congress by Hon'ble PM, we tried our best to meet MOC but we could not succeed during the day. Late in the evening, we came to know that Minister will be leaving to Bhopal early in the morning of 28th.

V Vara Prasad

General Secretary


IDA IS REVISED TO 215.6%, an increase of 10%







Our Case OA 338/2018 before CAT Ernakulam for 78.2% arrears for Pensioners from 01-01-2007 to 09-06-2013 came up on 03-10-2023 and again adjourned to 11-12-2023.


Secretary Telecom has been addressed to take a positive decision to implement the judgement of Hon'ble PB CAT Delhi without preferring an appeal letter-to-dot-on-cat-judgement.pdf


Hon'ble MOC has been requested to direct the DOT to revise the pension on par with the Central Govt Pensioners as per PB CAT's Judgement. moc-28092023.pdf


District Conference of Kamrup held on 21-09-2023 in the presence of Shalendu Bhattacharjee CS Assam. Office-bearers elected :

President : Com Tanju Sharma

District Secretary : Com Sachindranath Kakati

Treasurer : Com Dilip Kumar Sarkar


In the back ground of the Govt’s refusal to revise the pension with effect from 2017, we have filed the case in PB CAT Delhi on 10th September 2020. Our lawyers argued the case very well as per the inputs provided by Our CHQ President Com D Gopalakrishnan. This case was filed by the then General Secretary Com P Gangadhara Rao being he himself as applicant and Com P S Raman Kutty , Com Anupam Kaul, Com V Latha as co-applicants. It is a land mark judgement for BSNL pensioners. Our Case has been allowed by a judgement in our favour. CAT has upheld our view that the pension revision has nothing to do with pay revision of BSNL serving employees. It is now stands delinked. Today i.e 20-09-2023 is a good day for all BSNL Pensioners. The success belongs to entire membership of our Association. This is very precious for all of us.

As Hon’ble MOC has already shared his view that the demand of pension revision is genuine and justified with us when we met him in March 2022 and has been assuring us on the pension revision in subsequent meetings with him, we are confident that he will direct the DOT officers to process the case for approval with out resorting to appeal against historic judgement of PB CAT Delhi today. DOT officers should atleast now accept the genuineness of our demand and submit the note for Cabinet’s approval without further loss of time.

We congratulate all of you and all BSNL/MTNL leaders of other Pensioners’ Associations who have also filed the case on similar lines and fought this legal battle so victoriously.

V Vara Prasad // General Secretary // AIBSNLPWA


PENSIONERS' PATRIKA September-October 2023 is posted to all subscribers today.

Click here to see the PP pensioners-patrika-2023-issue-no-5.pdf