District Conference of AJMER was held on 17-12-2023, pensioners day. The following Office- bearers were elected unanimously.
District President : Com S C Chourasia
District Secretary : Com J C Airan
District Treasurer : Com J P Gunesar
District Conference of Sangrur and Pensioners Day was held on 17-12-2023. The following were elected unanimously :
District President : Com D P Dardi
District Secretary : Com S Sukhvir Singh
District Conference and Pensioners Day was held at Kurnool on 17-12-2023 . Com A Ramanjaneyulu, Com J V Ramana , Com Sudhakara Babu have been reelected as President, Secretary & Treasurer respectively .
District Conference of Sambalpur and Pensioners Day is held on 17-12-2023. Com J K Tripathy Vice President CHQ has attended. Com Ananda Chandra Panda, Com Nirmal Chandra Pradhan, & Com Pradesi Kisan are unanimously elected as President, District Secretary & Treasurer respectively.
Circle Level Womens convention is held at Kochi today on 16-12-2023 . CHQ Advisor - Com P S Ramankutty, Com A Savitha - CHQ Org.Secy, Com A P Saraswathi - CHQ Org.Secy ,Com T P George - Circle Secretary addressed in the meeting.
Ongole District Confrence was held on 09-12-2023. Com K S Koteswara Rao Circle President, Com D Venkateswara Rao Circle Secretary addressed. Com K Anjaiah coordinated the proceedings. Comrades R Nageswara Rao,B Brahmananda Reddy, P Tirupathi Swamy have been reelected as President, Secretary, Treasurer respectively.
New District Branch has been formed at Chindwara in Madhya Pradesh on 09th December 2023. 34 members have attended. Circle President Com R K Tiwari, Circle Secretary Com V S Thakur, CHQ OS Com Saket Shukla are present in the meeting. Newly elected office bearers are :
District President : Com Raghunath Singh Sisodia
District Secretary : Com Dawande
District Treasurer : Com Devendra Kushwaha
Welcome to new branch CHINDWARA and greetings to all
By the good offices of Shri G V L Narasimha Rao, Hon MP (Rajya Sabha) who is known to our CHQ organising Secretary Com R S N Murthy and V R K Sarma , we could meet Hon MOC Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji on 09-12-2023. As Railway Minister he had an official programme in Simhachalam, Vishakhapatnam.
All of you may recall that this MP wrote two letters , including one DO letter to Mon MOC on our pension revision issue.
Our delegation consisting of Com V Vara Prasad GS, Com R S N Murthy OS, Com M R Patnaik VP, Com VRK Sarma met him.. We have submitted a representation and requested him to implement the Hon PB CAT judgement dated 20-09-2023 which, without ambiguity, directed DOT to revise the pension at par with central govt pensioners. We also appealed to him NOT TO PREFER an apeal in the High Court against this judgement by DOT.
MOC assured us that he would do the needful. It gave us a positive indication. We are thankful to Shri G V L Narasimha Rao Hon MP who has facilitated this evening.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare issues OM on ceiling rates for Lung Transplant, Heart Transplant surgery in respect of CGHS beneficiaries.
CGCA clarified that Dearness
Relief will also be admissible on the additional basic pension/additional
family pension available to older pensioners/family pensioners based on their
District Conference of Chandrapur was held on 03-12-2023. COM R H Mitkary MH Circle President , Com M Narendra ,MH Circle Secretary have addressed.
The following were elected as new office-bearers :
Com Wasudeo Askar - President,
Com Ramanand Singh - District Secretary,
Com Devrao Chandanbawane - Treasurer.
DISTRICT CONFERENCE OF VIJAYAPURA WAS HELD AT BAGALKOT ON 01-12-2023. COM V Vara Prasad General Secretary , Com G Babu AGS CHQ, Com C K Hosamani OS CHQ have addressed.
The following were elected as new office-bearers :
Com SP Bellubbi - President,
Com SL Kulkarni - District Secretary,
Com SL Hiremath - Treasurer.
Com. T S Vittoban, our Treasurer intimates that as at 5 PM on 30-11-2023, total number of Life Members of AIBSNLPWA stands at 73001.
We were publishing the names in our Patrika earlier. More than 44000 names were so published. During Covid period we stopped issuing printed journal. Then two lists were published in E-journal during the Corona period.Thereafter, in April 2022 we published a list of some 18000 names in this Website.
Now, hereunder we publish a list of 4519 names of Life Members for whom CHQ received the Quota during the 20 months from April 2022 to November 2023.
01-12-2023. .... .... P S Ramankutty
New Circle branch has been formed in Himachal Pradesh Telecom Circle on 28-11-2023 at Mandi (HP) . The delegates from all the five Telecom Districts of HP, elected the following office-bearers unanimously.
President : Shri Lal Singh
Circle Secretary : Shri B D Sharma
Circle Treasurer : Shri Mohan Singh Mehta
CHQ Vice President Shri Atma Ram Verma, Dy GS Shri Anupam Kaul have attended the conference.
Welcome to Himachal .