All India BSNL Pensioners' Welfare Association.



PUNJAB CEC meeting is held at Patiala on 07-03-2024. The meeting has decided to hold the next CWC at Patiala on 11 th and 12 th September 2024.


Pensioners' Patrika for March-April 2024 is posted today.

Click here to see the PatrikaPP March-April 2024





General Body meeting at Vellore on 24-02-2024 . GS com V Vara Prasad , CS Tamilnadu Com Sundarakrishnan, AGS Com Rathna addressed. Comrades Sukumaran, Alliraja and others were on the dias. Meeting was attended by large number of members.


Have contentment and optimism,

shed frustration and pessimism

Dear comrades,

Visit of our senior leadership to New Delhi on 5th Feb, 2024 in pursuit of our long pending just demand of pension revision is a series of such umpteen visits. The delegation lead by our president Shri D Gopalakrishnan, braving hostile weather, and risking their fragile health condition, fighting for 4.5 lakh retired pensioners/family pensioners. We have no other wherewithal with us in our struggle except justice and faith in it, which gives us immense strength. Comrades, association is not just for pension revision. We should not forget the land mark major achievements of our leaders in the past decade under the visionary leadership of Shri P S Ramankutty. After becoming Vice President of this great association, I am getting calls pan India mostly from aged family pensioners, living in remote areas. There are umpteen types of grievances with respect to timely pension credits, Sampann migration, DLCs, CGHS, KYC issues etc. Circle secretaries and District secretaries of all telecom circles are tirelessly dealing such grievances. In Visakhapatnam I am proudly witnessing the relentless services of our Shri K V D Swamy in getting the CGHS services to scores of needy pensioners. Of course pension revision is our top most grievance, and our leadership untiringly working on it with constant vigil. Let us guard ourselves against misleading people, have endurance, patience and faith on our top leadership, and do not exhibit frustration. As justice is with us, we will soon reach the end of the tunnel to full lighting.


CHQ Vice President at Visakhapatnam



Meerut District of UP West circle held its District Conference at Meerut on 18Feb 2024. The meeting was very impressive . About 200 pensioners were in attendence . The new body unanimously elected

Com D D Singh as president

Com R D Ram as Distt Secretary

Com Vijay Kumar Sharma as Distt Treasurer

Com Anupam kaul Com J S Dhiya and Com R D Ram represented CHQ and addressed the gathering ,.besides Circle Secretary Com Kailash Gautam and Circle President Com R C Sharma Some Glimpses of the conference are attached


With Hon. Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Shri Pralhad Joshiji

With Shri Manish Sinha Member (F) ,DOT

With Shri A K Sahu Member (S) ,DOT

President, Vice President Com Gangadhara Rao and self reached Delhi on 5/2/24.

Com N K Gandigwad, veteran leader of Hubbali along with his friend also reached Delhi on the same day. We met Shri Pralhad Joshi ji on 6th night at his residence and requested him to arrange a meeting with Hon MoC. He told that he will talk to him and meeting will be arranged on 7th or 8th and told his PA to coordinate with MoC PA and us.

Hon MoC was terribly busy and couldn't get appointment even on 9th.

But today (9th) we could meet Telecom secretary (even though he is on leave today he came to office in the evening to sign some files and by the efforts of our other source we could meet him). We also met Member F , Member S and Director (Estt.)

After meeting all these officers our assessment is :

1) DoT mentally prepared to implement the judgement of PB, CAT without preferring an appeal

2) Informal consultations were held with DoP&PW and DoE.

3) The file is not yet sent to DoE and it may be sent in the coming week

4) All the officers are tight-lipped about the actual proposal but we could understand that they have two/three options for implementing the CAT judgement.

5) It's clear that DoT is interested to find a permanent solution and at par with CG pensioners as we demanded.

6) It's clear that after getting the nod from nodal departments cabinet note will be prepared and the whole process will take atleast 6 months because a policy decision has to be taken to delink pension revision from pay revision and related issues.

7) We called the leaders of applicant associations today evening to brief them but only Com Bagchi and Jain from AIRBSNLEWA came and others could not come due to personal reasons.

8) We told them that we are not interested to file any contempt petition because that would provide an opportunity for DoT to file an appeal against the judgement which may drag on for nearly 4 years. We also appealed to other applicant associations not to go for contempt petition.

Despite severe cold for which we are not accustomed to and many health issues we stayed in Delhi for 5 days. Hope all of you would appreciate our sincere efforts for getting a permanent solution.

Our case OA 338/2018 before CAT Ernakulam for 78.2% arrears for pensioners from 01.01. 2007 to 9.6.2013 came up on 30-01-2024 and again adjourned to 11-03-2024.




New District New District Branch of Dharmashala has been formed in Himachal in a meeting held on 24-1-24. Circle President Com Lal Singh attended the meeting.

Newly elected office bearers :

President : Com Roshan Lal

District Secretary : Com Ravi Kumar Mankotia

District Treasurer : Com Santosh Kumar Gupta.

We welcome the new branch & congratulate the new office bearers.


Meeting at Solapur - 17-1-2024

meeting at Satara on 18-1-2024